Why Choose Us?

Fast, Friendly Press Release management and distribution.
We help share your story online and manage your Press.

Simple to get started

Registration is free. Get started in minutes and easily share your content, from press releases and news to images and videos.

Fast approvals

Our editorial team quickly reviews and notifies you of any corrections that need to be made. Fast turnaround times are our priority.

Accurate PDF reporting

Each Premium submission includes a downloadable PDF Report that offers a concise overview of your press release syndication.

Social media & RSS feeds

Easily share your story on social media. Plus, your press release is part of our RSS feed which is included in dozens of RSS Directories

Fast, friendly customer support

Our friendly customer support team is here to help answer your questions. Contact us via chat or call us toll-free. It's that easy.

Media Rooms and Press Management

With your customizable media room, you can easily manage all of your content while boosting your online visibility.

What People are Saying

I've been recommending you guys to everyone. Thanks for providing a great service and at a good price. We'll continue to use you for all of our sites."

Steve DenkerCOO, Beach.com

I've used several press release services in the past and have to say Newswire is the easiest and most effective service to date. The service was very effective in getting my site more visibility online."

Janet RobertsJustBeautySupplies.com

Newswire is a true leader in the field of press release distribution. Their process is simple, easy and gets the job done. And they're not expensive which is a bonus."

Sam GreenManaging Director, Energize.com